Corriedale/Silk Combed Top - Heartsease

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85% NZ Corriedale and 15% silk, this top has been beautifully processed and prepared by Anna Gratton in her Feilding mill. It had been combed so that all the fibres are aligned and the shorter ones removed so that you are left with lovely long fibres all laying parallel to one another. This lends it's self to worsted style spinning, creating strong, lustrous yarns with a high grist. 

At 28 microns it is wonderfully soft, but with a long enough staple (individual fibre length) to be suitable for beginner spinners. Being non treated it will also felt beautifully. 

Each braid is a approximately 100g.

PLEASE NOTE none of the fibre colourways are repeatable. If you need more fibre than I have in stock please get in touch and I may be able to make a custom order for you.